Design, manufacturing, marketing of post harvest handling equipment.
Our distinguished products, market leaders
Cleaner/peeler/cutter FM 850
Cleaner / Peeler / Cutter, NEWS
The fm 850 cleaner/ peeler/ cutter is a special machine for handling leeks due to high precision cutting of core and root, outputting up to 5000 units/hour.
Vegetable polisher
NEWS, Polishing / Brushing
The fermaq vegetable polisher improves appearance of vegetables providing polish an shine which increases quality of final consumer product.
Dry brusher
NEWS, Polishing / Brushing
The fermaq dry brusher allows to brush unwashed fruits and vegetables
Working to keep the fermaq brand a market leader.

Fermaq presents 16 roller brusher in expoagroalimentaria in guanjuato
The ExpoAgroalimentaria de Guanajuato, located in Irapuato (Mexico), serves as a showcase for Fermaq to present the new model of 16-roller washing polisher. Fermaq 16/30 polisher-washing machine increases the performance of polished vegetables per [...]
HIJOLUSA relies on FERMAQ to install three potatoe polishers in new installations.
Hijolusa, a leading company in the potato sector, bets again on the polishers-washing machines of Fermaq to handle their potatoes. The León company recently inaugurated its new and modern facilities, located in the Industrial [...]